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Integrating Values Perspectives and Resources into University Teaching


Paul Begley 

       Nipissing University



Demystifying the Writing and Publication Process: A Guide for Emerging Scholars


Anthony H. Normore

       CSU-Dominguez Hills

Jeffrey S. Brooks

       University of Idaho

Plan on arriving early to take advantage of Pre-Conference Workshops designed for practitioners, graduate students, and scholars.  Workshops are available to all attendees at no additional charge.


Dissertation planning and writing can be considered a great beginning for academic careers while simultaneously provide an experience for breaking into the publishing arena. Many graduates of educational leadership programs are eager to publish while some are relieved that it’s finally behind them and oftentimes consider reworking a dissertation for publication to be anticlimactic. Others have good intentions to publish their dissertations but allow their final product to collect dust on a shelf, and pack everything into storage. With this in mind the workshop facilitators will provide graduate students a hands-on writing experience while learning about: the reasons for publishing; general principles of scholarly writing and “do’s” and “don’ts”; effective ways to plan and manage time for writing; the process of dissertation conversion for publication in a peer-reviewed journal; how to target appropriate journals; how to determine the content of an abstract, key words, and title; the conundrum of credit and authorship (e.g., who takes lead authorship, and why); the purpose of writing styles (e.g., APA, Harvard, and Chicago); the role of  journal editorial teams (e.g., editors, reviewers, advisory boards); how to deal with acceptance, revise/resubmit, and rejection letters, and a host of other elements intended to help emerging scholars unpack the mystery of scholarly writing.

Ethical frameworks are increasingly becoming mainstream perspectives in educational leadership theory and frameworks. This workshop session will focus on how to integrate values perspectives and into university teaching and provide resources for attendees.  It will begin by outlining a meta-model for leadership comprised of three components  -- purposes, processes, and context.  Using those three components Dr. Begley will illustrate where various leadership models fit in, a historical account of shifting emphases in educational leadership theory, and where values, ethics and moral literacy fit in.  You won’t want to miss this!

Physical activity serves as an effective medium to address multiple domains of development. It is an emotional and dynamic environment in which physical challenges foster the development of physical, social, and cognitive skills and require the courage to put your body and physical ability on display in a variety of ways. Two effective approaches for utilizing the physical activity environment in youth development are Hellison’s (1995, 2011) Teaching Personal and Social Development through Physical Activity and adventure programming (Project Adventure, 1995). Adventure experiences generally consist of physical team-building challenges that encourage the development of specific leadership skills such as trust, communication, and cooperation. Purposeful planning and a progressive approach to adventure programming allow facilitators to address van Linden and Fertman’s (1998) dimensions within the different stages of leadership development including leadership attitude, communication, and decision making. This session is designed to: 1) demonstrate an effective progression of simple teambuilding activities to promote leadership skills; 2) describe key debriefing strategies; and, 3) discuss methods for helping students transfer skills to a variety of settings. Participants will be actively engaged and learn strategies for using activities with a variety of populations.

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling unsure of where your day is going?  You wonder what else might be out there?  Have you ever considered that now might be your opportunity to create a life and career that will leave you more fulfilled.  This workshop will provide you with life-changing wisdom that will give you the tools and confidence you need to take that chance and live your life with purpose.  Whether you are in need of professional or personal guidance, Dr. Michaelis will provide you a plan for looking forward without fear--so you can achieve joy, passion, and the enriched life you never thought possible.



Promoting Leadership Development Through Physical Activity


Tammy Schilling

      Louisiana Tech       



Your Next Big Thing


Ben Michaelis

      Author, New York, NY


Pre-Conference Workshops

Sunday, September 29, 2013



Critical Discussion of Indigenous Educational Issues Affecting Native Peoples around the World


Hollie Mackey 

       University of Oklahoma

TUESDAY MORNING!!! 7:30-8:30


Breakfast session for Graduate Students: A Discussion of Research Interests and Networking


Gaetane Jean-Marie

       University of Louisville

T. Elon Dancy

      University of Oklahoma

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